Question # 1
Sarah is a security operations center (SOC) analyst working at JW Williams and Sons organization based in Chicago. As a part of security operations, she contacts information providers (sharing partners) for gathering information such as collections of validated and prioritized threat indicators along with a detailed technical analysis of malware samples, botnets, DDoS attack methods, and various other malicious tools. She further used the collected information at the tactical and operational levels.
Sarah obtained the required information from which of the following types of sharing partner? | A. Providers of threat data feeds
| B. Providers of threat indicators
| C. Providers of comprehensive cyber-threat intelligence
| D. Providers of threat actors
C. Providers of comprehensive cyber-threat intelligence
The information Sarah is gathering, which includes collections of validated and prioritized threat indicators along with detailed technical analysis of malware samples, botnets, DDoS methods, and other malicious tools, indicates that she is obtaining this intelligence from providers of comprehensive cyber-threat intelligence. These providers offer a holistic view of the threat landscape, combining tactical and operational threat data with in-depth analysis and context, enabling security teams to make informed decisions and strategically enhance their defenses.
Question # 2
Alice, a threat intelligence analyst at HiTech Cyber Solutions, wants to gather information for identifying emerging threats to the organization and implement essential techniques to prevent their systems and networks from such attacks. Alice is searching for online sources to obtain information such as the method used to launch an attack, and techniques and tools used to perform an attack and the procedures followed for covering the tracks after an attack.
Which of the following online sources should Alice use to gather such information? | A. Financial services
| B. Social network settings
| C. Hacking forums
| D. Job sites
C. Hacking forums
Question # 3
Which of the following components refers to a node in the network that routes the traffic from a workstation to external command and control server and helps in identification of installed malware in the network? | A. Repeater | B. Gateway | C. Hub | D. Network interface card (NIC)
B. Gateway
A gateway in a network functions as a node that routes traffic between different networks, such as from a local network to the internet. In the context of cyber threats, a gateway can be utilized to monitor and control the data flow to and from the network, helping in the identification and analysis of malware communications, including traffic to external command and control (C2) servers. This makes it an essential component in detecting installed malware within a network by observing anomalies or unauthorized communications at the network's boundary. Unlike repeaters, hubs, or network interface cards (NICs) that primarily facilitate network connectivity without analyzing the traffic, gateways can enforce security policies and detect suspicious activities.
Question # 4
Alice, an analyst, shared information with security operation managers and network operations center (NOC) staff for protecting the organizational resources against various threats. Information shared by Alice was highly technical and include threat actor TTPs, malware campaigns, tools used by threat actors, and so on.
Which of the following types of threat intelligence was shared by Alice? | A. Strategic threat intelligence
| B. Tactical threat intelligence
| C. Technical threat intelligence
| D. Operational threat intelligence
B. Tactical threat intelligence
The information shared by Alice, which was highly technical and included details such as threat actor tactics, techniques, and procedures (TTPs), malware campaigns, and tools used by threat actors, aligns with the definition of tactical threat intelligence. This type of intelligence focuses on the immediate, technical indicators of threats and is used by security operation managers and network operations center (NOC) staff to protect organizational resources. Tactical threat intelligence is crucial for configuring security solutions and adjusting defense mechanisms to counteract known threats effectively.
Question # 5
Tim is working as an analyst in an ABC organization. His organization had been facing many challenges in converting the raw threat intelligence data into meaningful contextual information. After inspection, he found that it was due to noise obtained from misrepresentation of data from huge data collections. Hence, it is important to clean the data before performing data analysis using techniques such as data reduction. He needs to choose an appropriate threat intelligence framework that automatically performs data collection, filtering, and analysis for his organization.
Which of the following threat intelligence frameworks should he choose to perform such task? | A. HighCharts | B. SIGVERIF | C. Threat grid | D. TC complete |
C. Threat grid
Question # 6
Mr. Bob, a threat analyst, is performing analysis of competing hypotheses (ACH). He has reached to a stage where he is required to apply his analysis skills effectively to reject as many hypotheses and select the best hypotheses from the identified bunch of hypotheses, and this is done with the help of listed evidence. Then, he prepares a matrix where all the screened hypotheses are placed on the top, and the listed evidence for the hypotheses are placed at the bottom.
What stage of ACH is Bob currently in? | A. Diagnostics | B. Evidence | C. Inconsistency | D. Refinement |
D. Refinement
In the Analysis of Competing Hypotheses (ACH) process, the stage where Mr. Bob is applying analysis to reject hypotheses and select the most likely one based on listed evidence, followed by preparing a matrix with screened hypotheses and evidence, is known as the 'Refinement' stage. This stage involves refining the list of hypotheses by systematically evaluating the evidence against each hypothesis, leading to the rejection of inconsistent hypotheses and the strengthening of the most plausible ones. The preparation of a matrix helps visualize the relationship between each hypothesis and the available evidence, facilitating a more objective and structured analysis.
Question # 7
Miley, an analyst, wants to reduce the amount of collected data and make the storing and sharing process easy. She uses filtering, tagging, and queuing technique to sort out the relevant and structured data from the large amounts of unstructured data.
Which of the following techniques was employed by Miley? | A. Sandboxing | B. Normalization | C. Data visualization
| D. Convenience sampling
B. Normalization
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