Question # 1
Adam works as a Computer Hacking Forensic Investigator for a garment company in the United States. A project has been assigned to him to investigate a case of a disloyal employee who is suspected of stealing design of the garments, which belongs to the company and selling those garments of the same design under different brand name. Adam investigated that the company does not have any policy related to the copy of design of the garments. He also investigated that the trademark under which the employee is selling the garments is almost identical to the original trademark of the company. On the grounds of which of the following laws can the employee be prosecuted? | A. Espionage law | B. Trademark law | C. Cyber law | D. Copyright law |
Explanation: The Trademark law is a piece of legislation that contains the federal statutes of trademark law in the United States. The Act prohibits a number of activities, including trademark infringement, trademark dilution, and false advertising. Trademarks were traditionally protected in the United States only under State common law, growing out of the tort of unfair competition. Trademark law in the United States is almost entirely enforced through private lawsuits. The exception is in the case of criminal counterfeiting of goods. Otherwise, the responsibility is entirely on the mark owner to file suit in either state or federal civil court in order to restrict an infringing use. Failure to "police" a mark by stopping infringing uses can result in the loss of protection. Answer: D is incorrect. Copyright law of the United States governs the legally enforceable rights of creative and artistic works under the laws of the United States. Copyright law in the United States is part of federal law, and is authorized by the U.S. Constitution. The power to enact copyright law is granted in Article I, Section 8, Clause 8, also known as the Copyright Clause. This clause forms the basis for U.S. copyright law ("Science", "Authors", "Writings") and patent law ("useful Arts", "Inventors", "Discoveries"), and includes the limited terms (or durations) allowed for copyrights and patents ("limited Times"), as well as the items they may protect. In the U.S., registrations of claims of copyright, recordation of copyright transfers, and other administrative aspects of copyright are the responsibility of the United States Copyright Office, a part of the Library of Congress. Answer: A is incorrect. The Espionage Act of 1917 was a United States federal law passed shortly after entering World War I, on June 15, 1917, which made it a crime for a person: To convey information with intent to interfere with the operation or success of the armed forces of the United States or to promote the success of its enemies. This was punishable by death or by imprisonment for not more than 30 years. To convey false reports or false statements with intent to interfere with the operation or success of the military or naval forces of the United States or to promote the success of its enemies and whoever when the United States is at war, to cause or attempt to cause insubordination, disloyalty, mutiny, refusal of duty, in the military or naval forces of the United States, or to willfully obstruct the recruiting or enlistment service of the United States. Answer: C is incorrect. Cyber law is a very wide term, which wraps up the legal issue related to the use of communicative, transactional and distributive aspect of networked information device and technologies. It is commonly known as INTERNET LAW. These Laws are important to apply as Internet does not tend to make any geographical and jurisdictional boundaries clear; this is the reason why Cyber law is not very efficient. A single transaction may involve the laws of at least three jurisdictions, which are as follows: 1.The laws of the state/nation in which the user resides 2.The laws of the state/nation that apply where the server hosting the transaction is located 3.The laws of the state/nation, which apply to the person or business with whom the transaction takes place
Question # 2
A service provider guarantees for end-to-end network traffic performance to a customer. Which of the following types of agreement is this? | A. SLA
| B. VPN | C. NDA | D. LA |
Explanation: This is a type of service-level agreement. A service-level agreement (SLA) is a negotiated agreement between two parties where one is the customer and the other is the service provider. It records a common understanding about services, priorities, responsibilities, guarantees, and warranties. Each area of service scope should have the 'level of service' defined. The SLA may specify the levels of availability, serviceability, performance, operation, or other attributes of the service, such as billing. Answer: C is incorrect. Non-disclosure agreements (NDAs) are often used to protect the confidentiality of an invention as it is being evaluated by potential licensees. Answer: D is incorrect. License agreements (LA) describe the rights and responsibilities of a party related to the use and exploitation of intellectual property. Answer: B is incorrect. There is no such type of agreement as VPN.
Question # 3
You work as a Security Manager for Tech Perfect Inc. You find that some applications have failed to encrypt network traffic while ensuring secure communications in the organization. Which of the following will you use to resolve the issue? | A. SCP
| B. TLS
| C. IPSec
| D. HTTPS |
Explanation: In order to resolve the issue, you should use TLS (Transport Layer Security). Transport Layer Security (TLS) is a cryptographic protocol that provides security and data integrity for communications over networks such as the Internet. TLS and SSL encrypt the segments of network connections at the Transport Layer end-to-end. Several versions of the protocols are in wide-spread use in applications like web browsing, electronic mail, Internet faxing, instant messaging, and voice-over-IP (VoIP). The TLS protocol, an application layer protocol, allows client/server applications to communicate across a network in a way designed to prevent eavesdropping, tampering, and message forgery. TLS provides endpoint authentication and communications confidentiality over the Internet using cryptography. Answer: C is incorrect. Internet Protocol Security (IPSec) is a method of securing data. It secures traffic by using encryption and digital signing. It enhances the security of data as if an IPSec packet is captured, its contents cannot be read. IPSec also provides sender verification that ensures the certainty of the datagram's origin to the receiver. Answer: D is incorrect. Hypertext Transfer Protocol Secure (HTTPS) protocol is a protocol used in the Universal Resource Locater (URL) address line to connect to a secure site. If a site has been made secure by using the Secure Sockets Layer (SSL) then HTTPS, instead of HTTP protocol, should be used as a protocol type in the URL. Answer: A is incorrect. The SCP (secure copy) protocol is a network protocol that supports file transfers. The SCP protocol, which runs on port 22, is based on the BSD RCP protocol which is tunneled through the Secure Shell (SSH) protocol to provide encryption and authentication. SCP might not even be considered a protocol itself, but merely a combination of RCP and SSH. The RCP protocol performs the file transfer and the SSH protocol performs authentication and encryption. SCP protects the authenticity and confidentiality of the data in transit. It hinders the ability for packet sniffers to extract usable information from the data packets.
Question # 4
An asset with a value of $600,000 is subject to a successful malicious attack threat twice a year. The asset has an exposure of 30 percent to the threat. What will be the annualized loss expectancy? | A. $360,000 | B. $180,000 | C. $280,000 | D. $540,000 |
Explanation: The annualized loss expectancy will be $360,000. Annualized loss expectancy (ALE) is the annually expected financial loss to an organization from a threat. The annualized loss expectancy (ALE) is the product of the annual rate of occurrence (ARO) and the single loss expectancy (SLE). It is mathematically expressed as follows: ALE = Single Loss Expectancy (SLE) * Annualized Rate of Occurrence (ARO) Here, it is as follows: SLE = Asset value * EF (Exposure factor) = 600,000 * (30/100) = 600,000 * 0.30 = 180,000 ALE = SLE * ARO = 180,000 * 2 = 360,000 Answer: C, B, and D are incorrect. These are not valid answers
Question # 5
Which of the following cryptographic system services ensures that information will not be disclosed to any unauthorized person on a local network? | A. Authentication | B. Integrity | C. Non-repudiation | D. Confidentiality |
Explanation: The confidentiality service of a cryptographic system ensures that information will not be disclosed to any unauthorized person on a local network.
Question # 6
According to the NIST SAMATE, dynamic analysis tools operate by generating runtime vulnerability scenario using some functions. Which of the following are functions that are used by the dynamic analysis tools and are summarized in the NIST SAMATE? Each correct answer represents a complete solution. Choose all that apply. | A. Implementation attack | B. Source code security | C. File corruption | D. Network fault injection |
A. Implementation attack C. File corruption D. Network fault injection
Explanation: According to the NIST SAMATE, dynamic analysis tools operate by generating runtime vulnerability scenario using the following functions: Resource fault injection Network fault injection System fault injection User interface fault injection Design attack Implementation attack File corruption Answer: B is incorrect. This function is summarized for static analysis tools.
Question # 7
Adrian is the project manager of the NHP Project. In her project there are several work packages that deal with electrical wiring. Rather than to manage the risk internally she has decided to hire a vendor to complete all work packages that deal with the electrical wiring. By removing the risk internally to a licensed electrician Adrian feels more comfortable with project team being safe. What type of risk response has Adrian used in this example? | A. Acceptance | B. Avoidance | C. Mitigation | D. Transference |
Explanation: This is an example of transference. When the risk is transferred to a third party, usually for a fee, it creates a contractual-relationship for the third party to manage the risk on behalf of the performing organization. Risk response planning is a method of developing options to decrease the amount of threats and make the most of opportunities. The risk response should be aligned with the consequence of the risk and cost- effectiveness. This planning documents the processes for managing risk events. It addresses the owners and their responsibilities, risk identification, results from qualification and quantification processes, budgets and times for responses, and contingency plans. The various risk response planning techniques are as follows: Risk acceptance: It indicates that the project team has decided not to change the project management plan to deal with a risk, or is unable to identify any other suitable response strategy. Risk avoidance: It is a technique for a threat, which creates changes to the project management plan that are meant to either eliminate the risk or to protect the project objectives from this impact. Risk mitigation: It is a list of specific actions being taken to deal with specific risks associated with the threats and seeks to reduce the probability of occurrence or impact of risk below an acceptable threshold. Risk transference: It is used to shift the impact of a threat to a third party, together with the ownership of the response.
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