Question # 1
A network administrator has configured an SSL/SSH inspection profile defined for full SSL inspection and set with a private CA certificate. The firewall policy that allows the traffic uses this profile for SSL inspection and performs web filtering. When visiting any HTTPS websites, the browser reports certificate warning errors. What is the reason for the certificate warning errors? | A. The SSL cipher compliance option is not enabled on the SSL inspection profile. This setting is required when the SSL inspection profile is defined with a private CA certificate. | B. The certificate used by FortiGate for SSL inspection does not contain the required certificate extensions. | C. The browser does not recognize the certificate in use as signed by a trusted CA. | D. With full SSL inspection it is not possible to avoid certificate warning errors at the browser level. |
C. The browser does not recognize the certificate in use as signed by a trusted CA.
The certificate warning errors occur because the SSL inspection profile is configured to use a private CA certificate that is not recognized by the browser as being signed by a trusted CA. For the browser to trust the FortiGate's re-signed certificates, the CA certificate used by FortiGate for SSL inspection must be installed in the browser's trusted certificate store. Until the browser recognizes the certificate authority (CA) as trusted, it will continue to display warning errors when accessing HTTPS websites.
Question # 2
Which two statements are true regarding FortiGate HA configuration synchronization? (Choose two.) | A. Checksums of devices are compared against each other to ensure configurations are the same. | B. Incremental configuration synchronization can occur only from changes made on the primary FortiGate device. | C. Incremental configuration synchronization can occur from changes made on any FortiGate device within the HA cluster. | D. Checksums of devices will be different from each other because some configuration items are not synced to other HA members. |
A. Checksums of devices are compared against each other to ensure configurations are the same. B. Incremental configuration synchronization can occur only from changes made on the primary FortiGate device.
In FortiGate HA (High Availability) configuration, checksums of device configurations are compared to ensure they are synchronized and identical across the cluster. Incremental synchronization can only happen from changes made on the primary device to ensure consistency and integrity across the cluster members. Changes made on non-primary devices do not initiate synchronization.
Question # 3
An administrator configured a FortiGate to act as a collector for agentless polling mode. What must the administrator add to the FortiGate device to retrieve AD user group information? | A. LDAP server | B. RADIUS server | C. DHCP server | D. Windows server |
A. LDAP server
To retrieve AD user group information in agentless polling mode, the administrator must add an LDAP server to the FortiGate device.
Question # 4
When FortiGate performs SSL/SSH full inspection, you can decide how it should react when it detects an invalid certificate. Which three actions are valid actions that FortiGate can perform when it detects an invalid certificate? (Choose three.) | A. Allow & Warning | B. Trust & Allow | C. Allow | D. Block & Warning | E. Block |
A. Allow & Warning D. Block & Warning E. Block
When FortiGate performs SSL/SSH full inspection and detects an invalid certificate, there are three valid actions it can take:
Allow & Warning: This action allows the session but generates a warning.
Block & Warning: This action blocks the session and generates a warning.
Block: This action blocks the session without generating a warning.
Actions such as "Trust & Allow" or just "Allow" without additional configurations are not applicable in the context of handling invalid certificates.
Question # 5
Which three pieces of information does FortiGate use to identify the hostname of the SSL server when SSL certificate inspection is enabled? (Choose three.) | A. The host field in the HTTP header. | B. The server name indication (SNI) extension in the client hello message. | C. The subject alternative name (SAN) field in the server certificate. | D. The subject field in the server certificate. | E. The serial number in the server certificate. |
B. The server name indication (SNI) extension in the client hello message. C. The subject alternative name (SAN) field in the server certificate. D. The subject field in the server certificate.
When SSL certificate inspection is enabled on a FortiGate device, the system uses the following three pieces of information to identify the hostname of the SSL server:
Server Name Indication (SNI) extension in the client hello message (B): The SNI is an extension in the client hello message of the SSL/TLS protocol. It indicates the hostname the client is attempting to connect to. This allows FortiGate to identify the server's hostname during the SSL handshake.
Subject Alternative Name (SAN) field in the server certificate (C): The SAN field in the server certificate lists additional hostnames or IP addresses that the certificate is valid for. FortiGate inspects this field to confirm the identity of the server.
Subject field in the server certificate (D): The Subject field contains the primary hostname or domain name for which the certificate was issued. FortiGate uses this information to match and validate the server’s identity during SSL certificate inspection.
The other options are not used in SSL certificate inspection for hostname identification: Host field in the HTTP header (A): This is part of the HTTP request, not the SSL handshake, and is not used for SSL certificate inspection.
Serial number in the server certificate (E): The serial number is used for certificate management and revocation, not for hostname identification.
Question # 6
Which two pieces of information are synchronized between FortiGate HA members? (Choose two.)
| A. OSPF adjacencies
| B. IPsec security associations
| C. BGP peerings
| D. DHCP leases
B. IPsec security associations
D. DHCP leases
Question # 7
Which two statements are correct when FortiGate enters conserve mode? (Choose two.)
| A. FortiGate halts complete system operation and requires a reboot to regain available resources
| B. FortiGate refuses to accept configuration changes
| C. FortiGate continues to run critical security actions, such as quarantine.
| D. FortiGate continues to transmit packets without IPS inspection when the fail-open global setting in IPS is enabled
C. FortiGate continues to run critical security actions, such as quarantine.
D. FortiGate continues to transmit packets without IPS inspection when the fail-open global setting in IPS is enabled
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