Question # 1
As Chief Enterprise Architect, you want to select an extension option that follows SAP's clean-core strategy. What are your recommendations to implement the clean-core strategy best?
| A. To follow the clean-core strategy, the so-called "Developer Extensibility" of S/4HANA isn't allowed. Extensions must use "Side-by-Side Extensibility" on the SAP Business Technology Platform. These extensions use corresponding public remote APIs of the S/4HANA backend system. | B. Follow SAP's Tier 1 to Tier 2 extension model, which enables different extension options: Cloud Extensibility Model and Cloud API Enablement. This allows the development of cloud- ready and upgrade-stable applications and extensions. | C. Use "Key User Extensibility" functions of S/4HANA for simple extensions. "Developer Extensibility must comply with the rules for a Tier-1 or Tier-2 extension. | D. Use of public local APIs or public remote APIs for "Developer Extensibility. |
A. To follow the clean-core strategy, the so-called "Developer Extensibility" of S/4HANA isn't allowed. Extensions must use "Side-by-Side Extensibility" on the SAP Business Technology Platform. These extensions use corresponding public remote APIs of the S/4HANA backend system.
Question # 2
Which of the following are the best architectural decisions for an extension application in S/4HANA? | A. Use "Developer Extensibility for data-intensive ABAP extensions to S/4HANA./Use "Side-by-Side Extensibility on SAP BTP ABAP Environment" when additional SAP BTP services are intensively used and SAPUI5 user interfaces are required. | B. Use 'Developer Extensibility" for data-intensive ABAP extensions to S/4HANA./Use "Side-by-Side Extensibility on SAP BTP. ABAP Environment" for applications that are less data-intensive and SAP BTP services that are intensively used. | C. Use "Developer Extensibility for ABAP extensions to S/4HANA that do not require a UI component./Use "Side-by-Side Extensibility on SAP BTP, ABAP Environment" for extensions that require a SAPUI5 based user interface. |
A. Use "Developer Extensibility for data-intensive ABAP extensions to S/4HANA./Use "Side-by-Side Extensibility on SAP BTP ABAP Environment" when additional SAP BTP services are intensively used and SAPUI5 user interfaces are required.
The decision for the extension model in S/4HANA should be based on the nature of the extension required. Developer Extensibility (in-app extensibility) is suitable for data-intensive extensions that need to operate within the context of S/4HANA. This is because it allows for direct access to S/4HANA's digital core and leverages the power of the HANA database. It is the recommended approach when the extension requires tight integration with core data and processes, ensuring high performance and data consistency.
On the other hand, Side-by-Side Extensibility on SAP BTP ABAP Environment is recommended when the extensions need to utilize additional SAP BTP services such as advanced analytics, machine learning, IoT services, or when creating new user experiences with SAPUI5. This decouples the extensions from the S/4HANA core, which can be beneficial in terms of flexibility, agility, and reducing the impact on the core system during upgrades.
References= These practices are supported by SAP's extensibility guide for S/4HANA, which explains the two extensibility models and their appropriate use cases. SAP documentation on ABAP Platform extensibility options provides further insights into when to choose each extensibility approach. SAP Best Practices for Extensibility in SAP S/4HANA guide provides a comprehensive view on how to extend the digital core effectively while maintaining system integrity and upgradeability.
Question # 3
The CIO of Wanderlust strongly feels that the seldom-used legacy Marketing application cannot be the platform to rejuvenate their online marketing business. As Chief Enterprise Architect, the CIO has entrusted you with the responsibility of finding a suitable replacement that can support all current processes and also address the issues plaguing the existing application. Which of the following should you do to conclusively shortlist possible applications to replace the existing one? Note: There are 2 correct answers to this question.
| A. Start with current processes, map business capabilities to these processes, and identify which application(s) in the market can deliver such capabilities.
| B. Compare the costs of those market leading online marketing applications and rank the top applications in terms of license, implementation, maintenance and subscription cost.
| C. Adopt a process centric approach, relate Wanderlust processes to industry standard processes, and identify applications/ solutions which deliver such processes.
| D. Understand the features of leading online marketing applications available in the market through product demonstrations and rank the applications in terms of features.
A. Start with current processes, map business capabilities to these processes, and identify which application(s) in the market can deliver such capabilities.
C. Adopt a process centric approach, relate Wanderlust processes to industry standard processes, and identify applications/ solutions which deliver such processes.
Question # 4
As part of the mapping of a Business Architecture to the Solution Architecture, an Environment & Location Diagram must be developed in the Technology Architecture phase. In this context, numerous architecture decisions have to be made. Among other things, you must check which SAP BTP services and which SAP SaaS solutions are available as part of the Solution Architecture in which data center of the desired hyperscaler. How do you go about this validation? | A. I use the SAP Business Accelerator Hub ( because it provides all the required information regarding SAP BTP service and SAP SaaS solution availability for each hyperscaler, in a central location. | B. I use the SAP Discovery Center to check which of the selected SAP BTP services are offered by which hyperscaler. With help from the SAP Trust Center, I check in which data center the involved SAP SaaS solutions are available. | C. I use the SAP Discovery Center to check in which data centers the respective SAP BTP services and the SAP SaaS solutions are available. |
B. I use the SAP Discovery Center to check which of the selected SAP BTP services are offered by which hyperscaler. With help from the SAP Trust Center, I check in which data center the involved SAP SaaS solutions are available.
According to the SAP Discovery Center 1 and the SAP Trust Center 2, the steps involved in this validation are:
Use the SAP Discovery Center to check which of the selected SAP BTP services are offered by which hyperscaler. The SAP Discovery Center is a platform that provides access to SAP BTP services, events, and related resources, and helps you to implement your use cases on SAP BTP with step-by-step guidance and support from topic experts and SAP Community. In the Service Catalog section of the SAP Discovery Center, you can browse and filter the available SAP BTP services by category, region, or hyperscaler. You can also compare the features and pricing of different services, and learn how to use them in your projects.
Use the SAP Trust Center to check in which data center the involved SAP SaaS solutions are available. The SAP Trust Center is a platform that provides information on cloud performance, security, privacy, and compliance. In the Certification and Compliance section of the SAP Trust Center, you can find certificates, reports, and attestations that show how SAP meets various industry standards and regulatory requirements. You can also filter the documents by solution, region, or hyperscaler, and download them for your reference.
The other options (A and C) are not correct for how to validate the availability of SAP BTP services and SAP SaaS solutions in the desired hyperscaler’s data center, because they either do not exist or do not provide the required information. For example:
Option A is not correct because there is no such platform as SAP Business Accelerator Hub ( that provides all the required information regarding SAP BTP service and SAP SaaS solution availability for each hyperscaler. The correct name of the platform is SAP API Business Hub (, which is a platform that provides access to SAP APIs, events, and related resources, but it does not provide any information on the availability of SAP BTP services or SAP SaaS solutions for each hyperscaler or data center.
Option C is not correct because the SAP Discovery Center does not provide any information on the availability of SAP SaaS solutions for each hyperscaler or data center. The SAP Discovery Center only provides information on the availability of SAP BTP services for each hyperscaler or region, but not for specific data centers. To check the availability of SAP SaaS solutions for each data center, you need to use the SAP Trust Center instead.
Question # 5
As Chief Enterprise Architect, you are asked to select an Enterprise Architecture toolset for Wanderlust GmbH' Enterprise Architecture activities. What are the most critical selection criteria you should consider? Note: There are 3 correct answers to this question.
| A. The support of data import or export capabilities, to use external reference data.
| B. The use of already established office applications, to keep the entry hurdle for all authors as low as possible.
| C. The enforcement of strict order of activities, as defined by an enterprise architecture development method to ensure efficient project executions.
| D. The support of excellent visualization, to optimally engage with portfolio and business management teams.
| E. The support of version control in the repository, to manage architecture changes.
A. The support of data import or export capabilities, to use external reference data.
D. The support of excellent visualization, to optimally engage with portfolio and business management teams.
E. The support of version control in the repository, to manage architecture changes.
Question # 6
Why would you recommend building SAP Side-by-Side Extensions to an S/4HANA system based on SAP BTP?
| A. Extensions on SAP BTP technology can easily use of S/4HANA eventing.
| B. Extensions on SAP BTP can maintain SAP user and security context and allow the use of S/4HANA eventing.
| C. Extensions should be built on SAP BTP because SAP BTP is the only option for building a consistent user experience based on SAP Fiori UX styles.
B. Extensions on SAP BTP can maintain SAP user and security context and allow the use of S/4HANA eventing.
Question # 7
What does SAP’s cloud strategy emphasize in terms of enterprise architecture?
| A. A move toward a completely on-premise infrastructure | B. Focus on hybrid cloud solutions and integration with on-premise systems | C. Restricting cloud adoption to non-business critical applications | D. A shift towards exclusively public cloud-based solutions |
B. Focus on hybrid cloud solutions and integration with on-premise systems
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