Question # 1
An airline is building a booking system for its premium and general customers. The goal is to ensure premium members are given higher access priority when user traffic is high. What configuration will achieve this goal?
| A. Configure a Work Manager for premium users with a Minimum Thread Constraint.
| B. Configure a Work Manager for premium users with a higher fair-share-request-class.
| C. Configure a Work Manager for premium users with a higher response-time-requestclass.
| D. Configure a Work Manager general users with a Maximum Thread Constraint | E. Configure a Work Manager for premium users with a custom request-class. |
B. Configure a Work Manager for premium users with a higher fair-share-request-class.
fair-share-request-class—Specifies the average thread-use time required to process requests. The default fair share value is 50. For example, assume that WebLogic Server is running two modules. The Work Manager for ModuleA specifies a fair-share-request-class of 80 and the Work Manager for ModuleB specifies a fair-share-request-class of 20. During a period of sufficient demand, with a steady stream of requests for each module such that the number requests exceed the number of threads, WebLogic Server will allocate 80% and 20% of the thread-usage time to ModuleA and ModuleB, respectively. * Example: <work-manager> <name>lowpriority_workmanager</name> <fair-share-request-class> <name>low_priority</name> <fair-share>10</fair-share> </fair-share-request-class> </work-manager> <work-manager> <name>highpriority_workmanager</name> <fair-share-request-class> <name>high_priority</name> <fair-share>100</fair-share> </fair-share-request-class> </work-manager> Note: * A request class expresses a scheduling guideline that WebLogic Server uses to allocate threads to requests. Request classes help ensure that high priority work is scheduled before less important work, even if the high priority work is submitted after the lower priority work. Incorrect: Not C: response-time-request-class—Specifies a response time goal in milliseconds Response time goals are not applied to individual requests. Instead, WebLogic Server computes a tolerable waiting time for requests with that class by subtracting the observed average thread use time from the response time goal, and schedules requests so that the average wait for requests with the class is proportional to its tolerable waiting time. Not A, D: Not related to thread constraints. For example, assume that WebLogic Server is running two modules. The Work Manager for ModuleA specifies a fair-share-request-class of 80 and the Work Manager for ModuleB specifies a fair-share-request-class of 20.
Question # 2
A common approach to solve application performance issues is to add more hardware. Which two reasons describe why this alone does not always solve performance problems?
| A. There may be a bottleneck in the application that additional hardware would not solve.
| B. Adding more hardware is costly and time consuming.
| C. Adding hardware at the application layer may place additional load on an already overloaded database, network appliance, or storage system.
| D. Adding more hardware may introduce new configuration requirements that need to be tested. |
A. There may be a bottleneck in the application that additional hardware would not solve.
C. Adding hardware at the application layer may place additional load on an already overloaded database, network appliance, or storage system.
Question # 3
Which three JVM options would you add to investigate performance issues in a Hot-Spot JVM?
| A. xx:+PrintGCDetails
| B. xx:+PrintGCTimeStamps
| C. xx:+HandlePromotionFailure
| D. verbose:gc
| E. server |
A. xx:+PrintGCDetails
B. xx:+PrintGCTimeStamps
D. verbose:gc
Question # 4
You deploy more than one application to the same WebLogic container. The security is set on JavaEE level and all deployed JavaEE applications use the same security roles. What is your recommendation for an architecture with those requirement
| A. Combine all applications into a single one.
| B. Define global roles on the WebLogic Domain level.
| C. Use Ms Active Directory to keep the roles there.
| D. Use Oracle Identity and Access Management solution to simplify the management.
| E. Keep role mapping in the external WebLogic Role Mapped developed for that solution. |
B. Define global roles on the WebLogic Domain level.
Note: * Types of Security Roles: Global Roles and Scoped Roles There are two types of security roles in WebLogic Server: / A global security role can be used in any security policy. Oracle provides several default global roles that you can use out of the box to secure your WebLogic resource / A scoped role can be used only in policies that are defined for a specific instance of a WebLogic resource (such as a method on an EJB or a branch of a JNDI tree). You might never need to use scoped roles. They are provided for their flexibility and are an extra feature for advanced customers. Incorrect: Not E: Role mapping is the process whereby principals (users or groups) are dynamically mapped to security roles at runtime. In WebLogic Server, a Role Mapping provider determines what security roles apply to the principals stored a subject when the subject is attempting to perform an operation on a WebLogic resource. Because this operation usually involves gaining access to the WebLogic resource, Role Mapping providers are typically used with Authorization providers.
Question # 5
What does the Web Session Affinity feature of Active GridLink for RAC provide?
| A. It mandates that HTTP sessions must be stored in an Oracle RAC database for the highest throughput and availability.
| B. It pins a connection to the thread associated with a web session such that subsequent connection reservations are significantly faster.
| C. It stores a reference to the connection associated with an HTTP session in the session object.
| D. It allows developers to modify how their web application reserves and releases database connections to allow enhanced performance.
| E. It provides improved performance by associating a database connection with an HTTP session. |
E. It provides improved performance by associating a database connection with an HTTP session.
Session Affinity Policy Web applications where a user session has back-to-back online transaction processing (OLTP) have better performance when repeated operations against the same set of records are processed by the same RAC instance. Business applications such as online shopping and online banking are typical examples of this pattern. A GridLink data source uses the Session Affinity policy to ensure all the data base operations for a web session, including transactions, are directed to the same Oracle RAC instance of a RAC cluster. Note: The context is stored in the HTTP session. It is up to the application how windows (within a browser or across browsers) are mapped to HTTP sessions. Note 2: * GridLink Affinity WebLogic Server GridLink affinity policies are designed to improve application performance by maximizing RAC cluster utilization. A GridLink data source monitors RAC load balancing advisories (LBAs) using the AffEnabled attribute to determine if RAC affinity is enabled for a RAC cluster. The first connection request is load balanced using Runtime Connection Load-Balancing (RCLB) and is assigned an Affinity context. All subsequent connection requests are routed to the same Oracle RAC instance using the Affinity context of the first connection until the session ends or the transaction completes
Reference; Configuring and Managing JDBC Data Sources for Oracle Weblogic server 12c, Using GridLink Data Sources
Question # 6
What is the architectural benefit of keeping WebLogic Server transaction log in the database?
| A. Oracle does not allow replicating files between data centers, so keeping transaction log in database allows for replication.
| B. Many transactions in WebLogic are database centric, so keeping log in database makes Two Phase Commit protocol possible.
| C. It obviates the need to keep in sync two replication technologies (file and database) between data centers. The single replication technology is used for frequently changing data.
| D. Transaction log in a file system is extremely slow so it cannot be efficiently replicated. |
C. It obviates the need to keep in sync two replication technologies (file and database) between data centers. The single replication technology is used for frequently changing data.
You can configure a JDBC TLOG store to persist transaction logs to a database, which provides the following benefits: * Leverages replication and HA characteristics of the underlying database. * Simplifies disaster recovery by allowing the easy synchronization of the state of the database and TLOGs. * Improved Transaction Recovery service migration as the transaction logs to do not need to be migrated (copied) to a new location. * You can configure a JDBC TLOG store to persist transaction logs to a database, which allows you to leverage replication and HA characteristics of the underlying database, simplify disaster recovery, and improve Transaction Recovery service migration. incorrect: not B: Read-only, One-phase Commit Optimization requires Oracle DB or above.
Question # 7
How can you configure High Availability for interacting with a non-Oracle database using WebLogic?
| A. Configure multiple physical data sources and reuse the same JNDI name for each.
| B. Use the "compatibility" option of Active GridLink to enable compatibility with non-Oracle databases.
| C. Configure a single physical data source for each node in a database cluster and wrap it using Multi Data Source.
| D. Configure a Data Source Group that contains a physical connection pool to each node in the database cluster. |
C. Configure a single physical data source for each node in a database cluster and wrap it using Multi Data Source.
* A multi data source can be thought of as a pool of data sources. Multi data sources are best used for failover or load balancing between nodes of a highly available database system, such as redundant databases or Oracle Real Application Clusters (Oracle RAC). * (not B) A single GridLink data source provides connectivity between WebLogic Server and an Oracle Database service, which may include multiple Oracle RAC clusters * High Availability Storage Solutions If you have applications that need access to persistent stores that reside on remote machines after the migration of a JMS server or JTA transaction log, then you should implement one of the following highly-available storage solutions: / File-based stores (default or custom)—Implement a hardware solution, such as a dualported SCSI disk or Storage Area Network (SAN) to make a file store available from shareable disks or remote machines. / JDBC-accessible stores—Configure a JDBC store or JDBC TLOG store and use JDBC to access this store, which can be on yet another server. Applications can then take advantage of any high-availability or failover solutions offered by your database vendor. In addition, JDBC stores support GridLink data sources and multi data sources, which provide failover between nodes of a highly available database system, such as Oracle Real Application Clusters (Oracle RAC). Reference: Oracle Fusion Middleware Configuring Server Environments for Oracle WebLogic Server 12c, High Availability Storage Solutions
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