Question # 1
On an Adobe Commerce Cloud platform, what type of environment will be provisioned when launching the CLI for Commerce command magento-cloud environment:branch? | A. An empty integration environment without any code or database.
| B. An integration environment with fresh Adobe Commerce Cloud installation.
| C. An integration environment with the code and database from the parent environment.
C. An integration environment with the code and database from the parent environment.
Question # 2
An Adobe Commerce developer is tasked with creating a custom block that will be displayed on every page in the footer of the site.
After completing and optimizing the development, the developer notices that the block takes too much time to be generated on each page and decides to store it in the system cache after enabling it for all cache groups.
What would be the minimum requirement to achieve this? | A. Set a value for the cache_Lifetime data property of the block.
| B. Set a value for cache_key data property of the block.
| C. Set values for both cache_lifetime and cache_key data properties of the block.
C. Set values for both cache_lifetime and cache_key data properties of the block.
To store a block in the system cache, the developer needs to set values for both the cache_lifetime and cache_key data properties of the block. The cache_lifetime property specifies how long the block should be cached, and the cache_key property specifies a unique identifier for the block.
The following code shows how to set the cache_lifetime and cache_key data properties of a block:
$block->setData('cache_lifetime', 600);
$block->setData('cache_key', 'my_custom_block');
Once the cache_lifetime and cache_key data properties have been set, the block will be stored in the system cache and will not be regenerated on each page load.
Question # 3
During database migration in the Adobe Commerce Cloud integration environment, a developer experienced a disk space error causing the database import to fail.
How would the developer fix this issue? | A. Increase the disk space of the database service.
| B. Add a new database node and enable split database.
| C. Change the database engine to PostgreSQL that has no disk space limit.
A. Increase the disk space of the database service.
Question # 4
A new customer registered on the Integration environment of an Adobe Commerce Cloud project but did not receive a welcome email What would be blocking the email from being sent? | A. SendGrid has not been configured for this environment.
| B. On all Integration environments, email is always disabled.
| C. The Outgoing Emails setting is disabled into Environment Settings in the Project Web Interface.
C. The Outgoing Emails setting is disabled into Environment Settings in the Project Web Interface.
The reason why the new customer did not receive a welcome email is that the Outgoing Emails setting is disabled in the Environment Settings in the Project Web Interface. This setting controls whether emails are sent from the application or not. By default, this setting is disabled for integration environments to prevent spamming or testing emails from being sent to real customers or recipients. The developer can enable this setting if they want to test email functionality on integration environments.
Question # 5
A merchant of an Adobe Commerce Cloud project wants to setup one of their websites using a subdomain. The merchant is considering the domain to be set as
In addition to editing the magento-vars.php file, and apply a domain check and set $_SERVER["MAGE_RUN_CODE"] and $_SERVER["MAGE_RUN_TYPE"].
What file is required to perform this action? | A. Configure subdomain route in NGINX virtual-host configuration file.
| B. Configure subdomain route in .magento/services.yaml.
| C. Configure subdomain route in .magento/routes.yaml. |
C. Configure subdomain route in .magento/routes.yaml.
Question # 6
An international merchant is complaining that changes are taking too long to be reflected on the frontend after a full product import.
Thinking it may be database issues, the Adobe Commerce developer collects the following entity counts:
- Categories: 900
- Products: 300k
- Customers: 700k
- Customer groups : 106
- Orders: 1600k
- Invoices: 500k
- Creditmemos: 50k
- Websites : 15
- Stores : 45
What is a probable cause for this? | A. The combination of the number of products, categories and stores is too big. This leads to a huge amount of values being stored in the flat catalog indexes which are too large to be processed at a normal speed. | B. The combination of the number of orders, customers, invoices and creditmemos is too big. This leads to a huge amount of values being stored in the customer grid index which is too large to be processed at a normal speed. | C. The combination of the number of products, customer groups and websites is too big. This leads to a huge amount of values being stored in the price index which is too large to be processed at a normal speed. |
C. The combination of the number of products, customer groups and websites is too big. This leads to a huge amount of values being stored in the price index which is too large to be processed at a normal speed.
The probable cause for the delay in reflecting the changes on the frontend after a full product import is the combination of the number of products, customer groups and websites. This leads to a huge amount of values being stored in the price index which is too large to be processed at a normal speed. The price index calculates the final price of each product for each customer group and website, taking into account various factors such as tax, discounts, catalog price rules, etc. When there are many products, customer groups and websites, the price index becomes very complex and time-consuming to update.
Question # 7
An Adobe Commerce developer wants to create a product EAV attribute programmatically which should appear as WYSIWYG in the admin panel. They have made sure that wysiwyg_enabled has been set to true, however, the attribute is not appearing as WYSIWYG in the admin panel.
What would be a possible reason? | A. The is_html_allowed_on_front Option iS Set tO false.
| B. The input type is not set to text.
| C. The input type is not set to textarea.
C. The input type is not set to textarea.
The input_type attribute of a product EAV attribute specifies the type of input field that will be used to enter the value of the attribute in the admin panel. The textarea input type is used for WYSIWYG fields. If the input_type attribute is not set to textarea, then the attribute will not appear as WYSIWYG in the admin panel.
To fix this, the developer should set the input_type attribute to text area.
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