Question # 1
A development team is building a new web application in the AWS Cloud. The main company domain, is currently hosted in an Amazon Route 53 public hosted zone in one of the company's production AWS accounts.
The developers want to test the web application in the company's staging AWS account by using publicly resolvable subdomains under the domain with the ability to create and delete DNS records as needed. Developers have full access to Route 53 hosted zones within the staging account, but they are prohibited from accessing resources in any of the production AWS accounts.
Which combination of steps should a network engineer take to allow the developers to create records under the domain? (Select TWO.) | A. Create a public hosted zone for in the staging account.
| B. Create a NS record in the domain. Populate the value with the name servers from the domain. Set the routing policy type to simple routing. | C. Create a private hosted zone for in the staging account.
| D. Create an NS record in the domain. Populate the value with the name servers from the domain. Set the routing policy type to simple routing | E. Create a public hosted zone for in the staging account. |
B. Create a NS record in the domain. Populate the value with the name servers from the domain. Set the routing policy type to simple routing. E. Create a public hosted zone for in the staging account.
When a client queries a DNS server for a domain name, the DNS server typically starts by looking for NS records to determine which name servers are authoritative for the domain. The DNS server then queries the authoritative name servers to obtain the information about the domain that the client requested. For example, suppose you own the domain, but you want to delegate control of the subdomain to a different set of name servers. You would create NS records in the zone file that point to the name servers for This tells DNS servers that the name servers for are authoritative for that subdomain, and they should query those name servers for any requests related to
Question # 2
A company is migrating an existing application to a new AWS account. The company will deploy the application in a single AWS Region by using one VPC and multiple Availability Zones. The application will run on Amazon EC2 instances. Each Availability Zone will have several EC2 instances. The EC2 instances will be deployed in private subnets.
The company's clients will connect to the application by using a web browser with the HTTPS protocol. Inbound connections must be distributed across the Availability Zones and EC2 instances. All connections from the same client session must be connected to the same EC2 instance. The company must provide end-to-end encryption for all connections between the clients and the application by using the application SSL certificate.
Which solution will meet these requirements? | A. Create a Network Load Balancer. Create a target group. Set the protocol to TCP and the port to 443 for the target group. Turn on session affinity (sticky sessions). Register the EC2 instances as targets. Create a listener. Set the protocol to TCP and the port to 443 for the listener. Deploy SSL certificates to the EC2 instances. | B. Create an Application Load Balancer. Create a target group. Set the protocol to HTTP and the port to 80 for the target group. Turn on session affinity (sticky sessions) with an application-based cookie policy. Register the EC2 instances as targets. Create an HTTPS listener. Set the default action to forward to the target group. Use AWS Certificate Manager (ACM) to create a certificate for the listener. | C. Create a Network Load Balancer. Create a target group. Set the protocol to TLS and the port to 443 for the target group. Turn on session affinity (sticky sessions). Register the EC2 instances as targets. Create a listener. Set the protocol to TLS and the port to 443 for the listener. Use AWS Certificate Manager (ACM) to create a certificate for the application. | D. Create an Application Load Balancer. Create a target group. Set the protocol to HTTPS and the port to 443 for the target group. Turn on session affinity (sticky sessions) with an application-based cookie policy. Register the EC2 instances as targets. Create an HTTP listener. Set the port to 443 for the listener. Set the default action to forward to the target group. |
A. Create a Network Load Balancer. Create a target group. Set the protocol to TCP and the port to 443 for the target group. Turn on session affinity (sticky sessions). Register the EC2 instances as targets. Create a listener. Set the protocol to TCP and the port to 443 for the listener. Deploy SSL certificates to the EC2 instances.
Question # 3
A Network Engineer is provisioning a subnet for a load balancer that will sit in front of a fleet of application servers in a private subnet. There is limited IP space left in the VPC CIDR. The application has few users now but is expected to grow quickly to millions of users.
What design will use the LEAST amount of IP space, while allowing for this growth?
| A. Use two /29 subnets for an Application Load Balancer in different Availability Zones.
| B. Use one /29 subnet for the Network Load Balancer. Add another VPC CIDR to the VPC to allow for future growth.
| C. Use two /28 subnets for a Network Load Balancer in different Availability Zones.
| D. Use one /28 subnet for an Application Load Balancer. Add another VPC CIDR to the VPC to allow for future growth.
C. Use two /28 subnets for a Network Load Balancer in different Availability Zones.
Question # 4
An AWS CloudFormation template is being used to create a VPC peering connection between two existing operational VPCs, each belonging to a different AWS account. All necessary components in the ‘Remote’ (receiving) account are already in place.
The template below creates the VPC peering connection in the Originating account. It contains these components:
AWSTemplateFormation Version: 2010-09-09
Originating VCId:
Type: String
Type: String
Type: String
Type: ‘AWS::EC2::VPCPeeringConnection’
VpcdId: !Ref OriginatingVPCId
PeerVpcId: !Ref RemoteVPCId
PeerOwnerId: !Ref RemoteVPCAccountId
Which additional AWS CloudFormation components are necessary in the Originating account to create an operational cross-account VPC peering connection with AWS CloudFormation? (Select two.)
| A. Resources:NewEC2SecurityGroup:Type: AWS::EC2::SecurityGroup
| B. Resources:NetworkInterfaceToRemoteVPC:Type: “AWS::EC2NetworkInterface”
| C. Resources:newEC2Route:Type: AWS::EC2::Route
| D. Resources:VPCGatewayToRemoteVPC:Type: “AWS::EC2::VPCGatewayAttachment”
| E. Resources:newVPCPeeringConnection:Type: ‘AWS::EC2VPCPeeringConnection’PeerRoleArn: !Ref PeerRoleArn
C. Resources:newEC2Route:Type: AWS::EC2::Route
E. Resources:newVPCPeeringConnection:Type: ‘AWS::EC2VPCPeeringConnection’PeerRoleArn: !Ref PeerRoleArn
Explanation: n/latest/UserGuide/AWS_EC2.html
Question # 5
A company uses AWS Direct Connect to connect its corporate network to multiple VPCs in the same AWS account and the same AWS Region. Each VPC uses its own private VIF and its own virtual LAN on the Direct Connect connection. The company has grown and will soon surpass the limit of VPCs and private VIFs for each connection.
What is the MOST scalable way to add VPCs with on-premises connectivity? | A. Provision a new Direct Connect connection to handle the additional VPCs. Use the new connection to connect additional VPCs. | B. Create virtual private gateways for each VPC that is over the service quota. Use AWS Site-to-Site VPN to connect the virtual private gateways to the corporate network. | C. Create a Direct Connect gateway, and add virtual private gateway associations to the VPCs. Configure a private VIF to connect to the corporate network. | D. Create a transit gateway, and attach the VPCs. Create a Direct Connect gateway, and associate it with the transit gateway. Create a transit VIF to the Direct Connect gateway. |
D. Create a transit gateway, and attach the VPCs. Create a Direct Connect gateway, and associate it with the transit gateway. Create a transit VIF to the Direct Connect gateway.
When a company requires connectivity to multiple VPCs over AWS Direct Connect, a scalable solution is to use a transit gateway. A transit gateway is a hub that can interconnect multiple VPCs and VPN connections. The VPCs can communicate with each other over the transit gateway, and on-premises networks can communicate with the VPCs through the Direct Connect gateway. This solution provides a central point of management and simplifies the configuration of network routing. By associating the Direct Connect gateway with the transit gateway, traffic between the VPCs and the on-premises network can be routed through the Direct Connect connection.
Question # 6
A company has a hybrid cloud environment. The company’s data center is connected to the AWS Cloud by an AWS Direct Connect connection. The AWS environment includes VPCs that are connected together in a hub-and-spoke model by a transit gateway. The AWS environment has a transit VIF with a Direct Connect gateway for on-premises connectivity.
The company has a hybrid DNS model. The company has configured Amazon Route 53 Resolver endpoints in the hub VPC to allow bidirectional DNS traffic flow. The company is running a backend application in one of the VPCs.
The company uses a message-oriented architecture and employs Amazon Simple Queue Service (Amazon SQS) to receive messages from other applications over a private network. A network engineer wants to use an interface VPC endpoint for Amazon SQS for this architecture. Client services must be able to access the endpoint service from on premises and from multiple VPCs within the company's AWS infrastructure.
Which combination of steps should the network engineer take to ensure that the client applications can resolve DNS for the interface endpoint? (Choose three.)
| A. Create the interface endpoint for Amazon SQS with the option for private DNS names turned on. | B. Create the interface endpoint for Amazon SQS with the option for private DNS names turned off. | C. Manually create a private hosted zone for Add necessary records that point to the interface endpoint. Associate the private hosted zones with other VPCs. | D. Use the automatically created private hosted zone for with previously created necessary records that point to the interface endpoint. Associate the private hosted zones with other VPCs. | E. Access the SQS endpoint by using the public DNS name in VPCs and on premises. |
A. Create the interface endpoint for Amazon SQS with the option for private DNS names turned on. D. Use the automatically created private hosted zone for with previously created necessary records that point to the interface endpoint. Associate the private hosted zones with other VPCs.
Question # 7
A company is deploying a non-web application on an AWS load balancer. All targets are servers located on-premises that can be accessed by using AWS Direct Connect. The company wants to ensure that the source IP addresses of clients connecting to the application are passed all the way to the end server.
How can this requirement be achieved? | A. Use a Network Load Balancer to automatically preserve the source IP address. | B. Use a Network Load Balancer and enable the X-Forwarded-For attribute. | C. Use a Network Load Balancer and enable the ProxyProtocol v2 attribute. | D. Use an Application Load Balancer to automatically preserve the source IP address in the X-Forwarded-For header. |
C. Use a Network Load Balancer and enable the ProxyProtocol v2 attribute.
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