Question # 1
A system administrator is migrating a bare-metal server to the cloud. Which of the following types of migration should the systems administrator perform to accomplish this task?
| A. V2V
| B. V2P
| C. P2P
| D. P2V
D. P2V
P2V (Physical to Virtual) is a type of migration that converts a physical server into a virtual machine (VM). P2V migration can help to move a bare-metal server to the cloud by creating an image of its disk and configuration and uploading it to a cloud platform that supports VM creation from custom images.
Question # 2
Which of the following actions should a systems administrator perform during the containment phase of a security incident in the cloud?
| A. Deploy a new instance using a known-good base image.
| B. Configure a firewall rule to block the traffic on the affected instance.
| C. Perform a forensic analysis of the affected instance.
| D. Conduct a tabletop exercise involving developers and systems administrators.
B. Configure a firewall rule to block the traffic on the affected instance.
Configuring a firewall rule to block the traffic on the affected instance is what the administrator should perform during the containment phase of a security incident in the cloud. A security incident is an event or situation that affects or may affect the confidentiality, integrity, or availability of cloud resources or data. A security incident response is a process of managing and resolving a security incident using various phases, such as identification, containment, eradication, recovery, etc. The containment phase is where the administrator tries to isolate and prevent the spread or escalation of the security incident. Configuring a firewall rule to block the traffic on the affected instance can help to contain a security incident by cutting off any communication or interaction between the instance and other systems or networks, which may stop any malicious or unauthorized activity or access.
Question # 3
A DevOps administrator is designing a new machine-learning platform. The application needs to be portable between public and private clouds and should be kept as small as possible. Which of the following approaches would BEST meet these requirements?
| A. Virtual machines
| B. Software as a service
| C. Serverless computing
| D. Containers
D. Containers
Containers are the best approach to design a new machine-learning platform that needs to be portable between public and private clouds and should be kept as small as possible. Containers are isolated environments that can run applications and their dependencies without interfering with other processes or systems. Containers are lightweight, portable, and scalable, which makes them ideal for machine-learning applications. Containers can be moved easily between public and private clouds without requiring any changes or modifications. Containers can also reduce the size and complexity of applications by using only the necessary components and libraries.
Question # 4
A company wants to move its environment from on premises to the cloud without vendor lock-in. Which of the following would BEST meet this requirement?
| A. DBaaS
| B. SaaS
| C. IaaS
| D. PaaS
C. IaaS
IaaS (Infrastructure as a Service) is what would best meet the requirement of moving an environment from on premises to the cloud without vendor lock-in. Vendor lock-in is a situation where customers become dependent on or tied to a specific vendor or provider for their products or services, and face difficulties
Question # 5
A systems administrator is configuring updates on a system. Which of the following update branches should the administrator choose to ensure the system receives updates that are maintained for at least four years?
| A. LTS
| B. Canary
| C. Beta
| D. Stable
LTS (Long Term Support) is the update branch that the administrator should choose to ensure the system receives updates that are maintained for at least four years. An update branch is a category or group of updates that have different characteristics or features, such as frequency, stability, duration, etc. An update branch can help customers to choose the type of updates that suit their needs and preferences. LTS is an update branch that provides updates that are stable, reliable, and secure, and are supported for a long period of time, usually four years or more. LTS can help customers who value stability and security over new features or functions, and who do not want to change or upgrade their systems frequently.
Question # 6
A storage administrator is reviewing the storage consumption of a SAN appliance that is running a VDI environment. Which of the following features should the administrator implement to BEST reduce the storage consumption of the SAN?
| A. Deduplication
| B. Thick provisioning<br> | C. Compression
| D. SDS
A. Deduplication
The best feature to reduce the storage consumption of a SAN appliance that is running a VDI environment is deduplication. Deduplication is a process that eliminates redundant or duplicate data blocks or files from a storage system and replaces them with pointers or references to a single copy of data. Deduplication can significantly reduce the storage consumption of a SAN appliance by removing unnecessary data and freeing up disk space.
[CompTIA Cloud+ Certification Exam Objectives], Domain 3.0 Maintenance, Objective 3.3 Given a scenario, analyze system performance using standard tools.
Question # 7
A systems administrator wants to verify the word "qwerty" has not been used as a password on any of the administrative web consoles in a network. Which of the following will achieve this goal?
| A. A service availability scan
| B. An agent-based vulnerability scan
| C. A default and common credentialed scan
| D. A network port scan
C. A default and common credentialed scan
A default and common credentialed scan is what the administrator should use to verify the word “qwerty” has not been used as a password on any of the administrative web consoles in a network. A credentialed scan is a type of vulnerability scan that uses valid credentials or accounts to access and scan target systems or devices. A credentialed scan can provide more accurate and detailed results than a non-credentialed scan, as it can perform more actions and tests on target systems or devices. A default and common credentialed scan is a type of credentialed scan that uses default or common credentials or accounts, such as admin/admin, root/root, etc., to access and scan target systems or devices. A default and common credentialed scan can help to identify weak or insecure passwords on administrative web consoles, such as “qwerty”, and recommend stronger passwords.
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