Question # 1
Which of the following is an attack in which an attacker hopes to profit from locking the database software? | A. Spear phishing
| B. Ransomware | C. SQL injection
| D. On-path
B. Ransomware
The attack in which an attacker hopes to profit from locking the database software is ransomware. Ransomware is a type of malware that encrypts the data or files on a system or network and demands a ransom from the victim to restore them. Ransomware can target database software and lock its access or functionality until the victim pays the ransom, usually in cryptocurrency. Ransomware can cause serious damage and loss to the victim, as well as expose them to further risks or threats. Ransomware can be delivered through various methods, such as phishing emails, malicious attachments, compromised websites, etc. The other options are either different types of attacks or not related to locking database software at all. For example, spear phishing is a type of phishing attack that targets a specific individual or organization with personalized or customized emails; SQL injection is a type of attack that inserts malicious SQL statements into an input field or parameter of a web application to manipulate or compromise the underlying database; on-path is a type of attack that intercepts and modifies the data in transit between two parties on a network.
Question # 2
A company needs to prepare a document that establishes the responsibilities, metrics, penalties, and other generalities that a provider would have to fulfill for customers to use its platforms.
Which of the following documents meets these requirements? | A. DOU | B. SLA | C. MOU | D. SOW |
The document that meets these requirements is an SLA. An SLA, or Service Level Agreement, is a contract between a service provider and a customer that defines the scope, quality, and terms of the service delivery. An SLA typically includes the responsibilities, metrics, penalties, and other generalities that a provider would have to fulfill for customers to use its platforms. An SLA also establishes the expectations and obligations of both parties, as well as the methods for measuring and monitoring the service performance. The other options are either different types of documents or not related to service delivery. For example, a DOU, or Data Use Agreement, is a document that governs the sharing and use of data between parties; an MOU, or Memorandum of Understanding, is a document that expresses a mutual agreement or intention between parties; a SOW, or Statement of Work, is a document that describes the specific tasks and deliverables of a project or contract.
Question # 3
A group of developers needs access to a database in a development environment, but the database contains sensitive data. Which of the following should the database administrator do before giving the developers access to the environment? | A. Audit access to tables with sensitive data.
| B. Remove sensitive data from tables
| C. Mask the sensitive data.
| D. Encrypt connections to the development environment.
C. Mask the sensitive data.
The database administrator should mask the sensitive data before giving the developers access to the environment. Data masking is a technique that replaces sensitive data with fictitious but realistic data, such as random numbers or characters, to protect it from unauthorized access or exposure. Data masking preserves the format and structure of the original data, but does notreveal its actual value. This allows developers to work with realistic data without compromising its confidentiality or compliance. The other options are either insufficient or excessive for this scenario. For example, auditing access to tables with sensitive data may help monitor and track who accesses the data, but does not prevent it from being seen; removing sensitive data from tables may compromise the quality or completeness of the data, and may not be feasible if there is a large amount of data; encrypting connections to the development environment may protect the data in transit, but not at rest or in use.
Question # 4
A database administrator needs to ensure database backups are occurring on a daily basis and at scheduled times. Which of the following actions should the administrator take? | A. Query the database to observe entries.
| B. Check the database schema.
| C. Review the backup media.
| D. Review the server logs for entries. |
D. Review the server logs for entries.
The action that the administrator should take is to review the server logs for entries. Server logs are files that record the events and activities that occur on a server, such as database backups, errors, warnings, or failures. By reviewing the server logs, the administrator can verify that the database backups are occurring on a daily basis and at scheduled times, and also identify any issues or anomalies that may affect the backup process or the backup quality. The other options are either not relevant or not sufficient for this task. For example, querying the database to observe entries may not show the backup status or frequency, checking the database schema may not reflect the backup schedule or policy, and reviewing the backup media may not indicate the backup time or duration.
Question # 5
Which of the following cloud delivery models provides users with the highest level of flexibility regarding resource provisioning and administration? | A. DBaaS | B. IaaS | C. SaaS | D. PaaS |
B. IaaS
The cloud delivery model that provides users with the highest level of flexibility regarding resource provisioning and administration is IaaS. IaaS, or Infrastructure as a Service, is a cloud delivery model that provides users with access to virtualized computing resources, such as servers, storage, network, and operating systems, over the internet. Users can provision, configure, and manage these resources according to their needs and preferences, without having to worry about the maintenance or security of the physical infrastructure. IaaS offers users the most control and customization over their cloud environment, as well as the ability to scale up or down as needed. The other options are either different cloud delivery models or not related to cloud computing at all. For example, DBaaS, or Database as a Service, is a cloud delivery model that provides users with access to database management systems and tools over the internet; SaaS, or Software as a Service, is a cloud delivery model that provides users with access to software applications and services over the internet; PaaS, or Platform as a Service, is a cloud delivery model that provides users with access to development platforms and tools over the internet.
Question # 6
Which of the following is an attack in which an attacker hopes to profit from locking the database software?
| A. Spear phishing
| B. Ransomware | C. SQL injection
| D. On-path
B. Ransomware
The attack in which an attacker hopes to profit from locking the database software is ransomware. Ransomware is a type of malware that encrypts the data or files on a system or network and demands a ransom from the victim to restore them. Ransomware can target database software and lock its access or functionality until the victim pays the ransom, usually in cryptocurrency. Ransomware can cause serious damage and loss to the victim, as well as expose them to further risks or threats. Ransomware can be delivered through various methods, such as phishing emails, malicious attachments, compromised websites, etc. The other options are either different types of attacks or not related to locking database software at all. For example, spear phishing is a type of phishing attack that targets a specific individual or organization with personalized or customized emails; SQL injection is a type of attack that inserts malicious SQL statements into an input field or parameter of a web application to manipulate or compromise the underlying database; on-path is a type of attack that intercepts and modifies the data in transit between two parties on a network.
Question # 7
Which of the following indexes stores records in a tabular format? | A. Columnstore | B. Non-clustered
| C. Unique
| D. Secondary |
A. Columnstore
The index that stores records in a tabular format is columnstore. A columnstore index is a type of index that stores and compresses data by columns rather than by rows. A columnstore index can improve the performance and efficiency of queries that perform aggregations, calculations, or analysis on large amounts of data, such as data warehouse or business intelligence applications. A column store index can also reduce the storage space required for data by applying various compression techniques, such as dictionary encoding, run-length encoding, bit packing, etc. The other options are either different types of indexes or not related to indexes at all. For example, a non-clustered index is a type of index that stores the values of one or more columns in a sorted order along with pointers to the corresponding rows in the table; a unique index is a type of index that enforces uniqueness on one or more columns in a table; a secondary index is an alternative term for a non-clustered index.
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