Question # 1
You are troubleshooting an Azure SDN connectivity issue with your FortiGate VM
Which two queries does that SDN connector use to interact with the Azure management API? (Choose two.)
| A. The first query is targeted to a special IP address to get a token.
| B. The first query is targeted to IP address 8.8
| C. There is only one query initiating from FortiGate port1 -
| D. Some queries are made to manage public IP addresses.
A. The first query is targeted to a special IP address to get a token.
D. Some queries are made to manage public IP addresses.
The Azure SDN connector uses two types of queries to interact with the Azure management API. The first query is targeted to a special IP address to get a token. This token is used to authenticate the subsequent queries. The second type of query is used to retrieve information about the Azure resources, such as virtual machines, network interfaces, network security groups, and public IP addresses. Some queries are made to manage public IP addresses, such as assigning or releasing them from the FortiGate VM.
Configuring an SDN connector in Azure, Azure SDN connector using service principal, Troubleshooting Azure SDN connector
Question # 2
You are adding a new spoke to the existing transit VPC environment using the AWS CloudFormation template.
Which two components must you use for this deployment? (Choose two.) | A. The Amazon CloudWatch tag value. | B. The tag value of the spoke. | C. The BGP ASN value used for the transit VPC. | D. The OSPF AS value used for the hub. |
B. The tag value of the spoke. C. The BGP ASN value used for the transit VPC.
Question # 3
You are configuring the failover settings on a FortiGate active-passive SDN connector solution in Microsoft Azure. Which two mandatory settings are required after the initial deployment? (Choose two)
| A. Subscription-id
| B. FortiGate license file
| C. Active FortiGate serial number
| D. Resource group name
A. Subscription-id
D. Resource group name
Question # 4
Which two statements are true about Transit Gateway Connect peers in aniPv4 BGP configuration? (Choose two.)
| A. You cannot use IPv6 addresses. | B. The inside CIDR blocks are used for BGP peering. | C. You must configure the second address from the IPv4 range on the device as the BGP IP address. | D. You must specify a /29 CIDR block from the range. |
A. You cannot use IPv6 addresses. D. You must specify a /29 CIDR block from the range.
Question # 5
You must allow an SSH traffic rule in an Amazon Web Services (AWS) network access list (NACL) to allow SSH traffic to travel to a subnet for temporary testing purposes. When you review the current inbound network ACL rules, you notice that rule number 5 demes SSH and telnet traffic to the subnet What can you do to allow SSH traffic?
| A. You must create a new allow SSH rule below rule number 5
| B. You must create a new allow SSH rule above rule number 5-
| C. You must create a new allow SSH rule anywhere in the network ACL rule base to allow SSH traffic.
| D. You do not have to create any NACL rules because the default security group rule automatically allows SSH traffic to the subnet.
B. You must create a new allow SSH rule above rule number 5-
Network ACLs are stateless, and they evaluate each packet separately based on the rules that you define. The rules are processed in order, starting with the lowest numbered rule1. If the traffic matches a rule, the rule is applied and no further rules are evaluated1. Therefore, if you want to allow SSH traffic to a subnet, you must create a new allow SSH rule above rule number 5, which denies SSH and telnet traffic. Otherwise, the deny rule will take precedence and block the SSH traffic.
The other options are incorrect because:
• Creating a new allow SSH rule below rule number 5 will not allow SSH traffic, because the deny rule will be evaluated first and block the traffic.
• Creating a new allow SSH rule anywhere in the network ACL rule base will not guarantee that SSH traffic will be allowed, because it depends on the order of the rules. If the allow SSH rule is below the deny rule, it will not be effective.
• You cannot rely on the default security group rule to allow SSH traffic to the subnet, because network ACLs act as an additional layer of security for your VPC. Even if your security group allows SSH traffic, your network ACL must also allow it. Otherwise, the traffic will be blocked at the subnet level.
Question # 6
An administrator decides to use the Use managed identity option on the FortiGate SDN connector with Microsoft Azure. However, the SDN connector is failing on the connection.
What must the administrator do to correct this issue? | A. Make sure to enable the system assigned managed identity on Azure. | B. Make sure to add the Tenant ID on FortiGate side of the configuration. | C. Make sure to set the type to system managed identity on FortiGate SDN connector settings. | D. Make sure to add the Client secret on FortiGate side of the configuration. |
A. Make sure to enable the system assigned managed identity on Azure.
Question # 7
Which statement about immutable infrastructure in automation is true?
| A. It is the practice of deploying a new server for every configuration change. | B. It is the practice of deploying two parallel servers for high availability. | C. It is the practice of applying hotfixes and OS patches after deployment. | D. It is the practice of modifying the existing server configuration after it is deployed. |
A. It is the practice of deploying a new server for every configuration change.
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