Question # 1
Which of the following statements about integrating with third-party systems is true? (Select all that apply.)
| A. A Hadoop application can search data in Splunk.
| B. Splunk can search data in the Hadoop File System (HDFS).
| C. You can use Splunk alerts to provision actions on a third-party system.
| D. You can forward data from Splunk forwarder to a third-party system without indexing it first. |
C. You can use Splunk alerts to provision actions on a third-party system.
D. You can forward data from Splunk forwarder to a third-party system without indexing it first.
Question # 2
Which of the following is an indexer clustering requirement?
| A. Must use shared storage.
| B. Must reside on a dedicated rack.
| C. Must have at least three members. | D. Must share the same license pool. |
D. Must share the same license pool.
Question # 3
Where does the Splunk deployer send apps by default? | A. etc/slave-apps//default
| B. etc/deploy-apps//default
| C. etc/apps//default
| D. etc/shcluster//default |
D. etc/shcluster/ /default
The Splunk deployer sends apps to the search head cluster members by default to the path
etc/shcluster//default. The deployer is a Splunk component that distributes
apps and configurations to members of a search head cluster.
Splunk's documentation recommends placing the configuration bundle in the
$SPLUNK_HOME/etc/shcluster/apps directory on the deployer, which then gets
distributed to the search head cluster members. However, it should be noted that within
each app's directory, configurations can be under default or local subdirectories, with
local taking precedence over default for configurations. The reference to
etc/shcluster//default is not a standard directory structure and might be a
misunderstanding. The correct path where the deployer pushes configuration bundles is
Question # 4
Which of the following describe migration from single-site to multisite index replication?
| A. A master node is required at each site.
| B. Multisite policies apply to new data only.
| C. Single-site buckets instantly receive the multisite policies.
| D. Multisite total values should not exceed any single-site factors. |
D. Multisite total values should not exceed any single-site factors.
Question # 5
metrics. log is stored in which index? | A. main
| B. _telemetry
| C. _internal
| D. _introspection |
C. _internal
According to the Splunk documentation1, metrics.log is a file that contains various metrics
data for reviewing product behavior, such as pipeline, queue, thruput, and
tcpout_connections. Metrics.log is stored in the _internal index by default2, which is a
special index that contains internal logs and metrics for Splunk Enterprise. The other
options are false because: -
main is the default index for user data, not internal data3.
_telemetry is an index that contains data collected by the Splunk Telemetry
feature, which sends anonymous usage and performance data to Splunk4.
_introspection is an index that contains data collected by the Splunk Monitoring
Console, which monitors the health and performance of Splunk components.
Question # 6
A single-site indexer cluster has a replication factor of 3, and a search factor of 2. What is
true about this cluster? | A. The cluster will ensure there are at least two copies of each bucket, and at least three
copies of searchable metadata. | B. The cluster will ensure there are at most three copies of each bucket, and at most two
copies of searchable metadata. | C. The cluster will ensure only two search heads are allowed to access the bucket at the
same time. | D. The cluster will ensure there are at least three copies of each bucket, and at least two
copies of searchable metadata. |
D. The cluster will ensure there are at least three copies of each bucket, and at least two
copies of searchable metadata.
A single-site indexer cluster is a group of Splunk Enterprise instances that index and
replicate data across the cluster1. A bucket is a directory that contains indexed data, along
with metadata and other information2. A replication factor is the number of copies of each
bucket that the cluster maintains1. A search factor is the number of searchable copies of
each bucket that the cluster maintains1. A searchable copy is a copy that contains both the
raw data and the index files3. A search head is a Splunk Enterprise instance that
coordinates the search activities across the peer nodes1.
Option D is the correct answer because it reflects the definitions of replication factor and
search factor. The cluster will ensure that there are at least three copies of each bucket,
one on each peer node, to satisfy the replication factor of 3. The cluster will also ensure
that there are at least two searchable copies of each bucket, one primary and one
searchable, to satisfy the search factor of 2. The primary copy is the one that the search
head uses to run searches, and the searchable copy is the one that can be promoted to
primary if the original primary copy becomes unavailable3.
Option A is incorrect because it confuses the replication factor and the search factor. The
cluster will ensure there are at least three copies of each bucket, not two, to meet the
replication factor of 3. The cluster will ensure there are at least two copies of searchable
metadata, not three, to meet the search factor of 2.
Option B is incorrect because it uses the wrong terms. The cluster will ensure there are at
least, not at most, three copies of each bucket, to meet the replication factor of 3. The
cluster will ensure there are at least, not at most, two copies of searchable metadata, to
meet the search factor of 2.
Option C is incorrect because it has nothing to do with the replication factor or the search
factor. The cluster does not limit the number of search heads that can access the bucket at
the same time. The search head can search across multiple clusters, and the cluster can
serve multiple search heads1.
Question # 7
Splunk configuration parameter settings can differ between multiple .conf files of the same name contained within different apps. Which of the following directories has the highest precedence?
| A. System local directory.
| B. System default directory.
| C. App local directories, in ASCII order.
| D. App default directories, in ASCII order. |
A. System local directory.
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