Question # 1
What information can you find about your competitors in Marketing Cloud Account
Engagement? | A. Alexa rank | B. BBB score | C. News article mentions | D. Number of inbound links | E. Number of indexed pages |
A. Alexa rank D. Number of inbound links E. Number of indexed pages
Explanation: You can find the following information about your competitors in Marketing
Cloud Account Engagement: Alexa rank, number of inbound links, and number of indexed
pages. These are the metrics that Marketing Cloud Account Engagement’s competitor
website monitoring feature provides, which help you assess how well your competitors’
websites are performing in terms of SEO. Alexa rank is a measure of how popular a
website is compared to millions of other websites. Number of inbound links is the total
number of links from other websites that point to a website. Number of indexed pages is
the total number of pages that a website has that are recognized by search
Question # 2
You can set up Marketing Cloud Account Engagement yourself to sync with Person Accounts. | A. True | B. False (you need to contact Marketing Cloud Account Engagement support to enable this functionality) |
B. False (you need to contact Marketing Cloud Account Engagement support to enable this functionality)
You cannot set up Marketing Cloud Account Engagement yourself to sync with Person Accounts. You need to contact Marketing Cloud Account Engagement support to enable this functionality, as it is not available by default. Person Accounts are a special type of account in Salesforce that combines the attributes of both accounts and contacts. To sync Marketing Cloud Account Engagement with Person Accounts, you need to follow some additional steps, such as enabling Person Account Syncing, creating Person Accounts instead of Leads, and adding Marketing Cloud Account Engagement data to Person Account layouts12 References: 1: Person Account Syncing with Salesforce2: What To Know Before Using Person Accounts in Marketing Cloud Account Engagement & Salesforce
Question # 3
When would a completion action on a custom redirect be triggered? | A. Completion actions will apply to visitors on the first time a custom redirect is clicked. | B. Completion actions for custom redirects will only apply to existing prospects. | C. Completion actions for custom redirects will only apply to prospects once they have been assigned. | D. Completion actions will apply to visitors who convert to prospects after clicking on a custom redirect. |
B. Completion actions for custom redirects will only apply to existing prospects.
A completion action on a custom redirect will be triggered when an existing prospect clicks on the custom redirect. A custom redirect is a trackable link that can be used to measure the engagement of prospects with external content, such as a website, a PDF, or a video. A completion action is an automated task that can be performed after a prospect takes a certain action, such as clicking on a custom redirect. Completion actions for custom redirects will only apply to existing prospects, meaning prospects who have already been identified by Marketing Cloud Account Engagement through a form, a landing page, or an email4. References: Marketing Cloud Account Engagement Custom Redirects
Question # 4
Which Salesforce custom fields will sync with Marketing Cloud Account Engagement? | A. Custom Record Type fields | B. Custom Prospect fields | C. Custom Account fields | D. Custom Opportunity fields |
B. Custom Prospect fields C. Custom Account fields D. Custom Opportunity fields
Marketing Cloud Account Engagement can sync with Salesforce custom fields that are on
the Lead, Contact, or Account objects. Custom Prospect fields in Marketing Cloud Account
Engagement can be mapped to custom Lead or Contact fields in Salesforce. Custom
Account fields in Marketing Cloud Account Engagement can be mapped to custom Account
fields in Salesforce. Custom Opportunity fields in Marketing Cloud Account Engagement
can be mapped to custom Opportunity fields in Salesforce. Custom Record Type fields are
not supported by Marketing Cloud Account Engagement and cannot be synced.
Question # 5
What factors are involved with and determine email deliverability?
(Choose 2) | A. Sender Policy Framework (SPF) | B. Domain Keys | C. Sender ID | D. Whitelist | E. CAN-SPAM |
A. Sender Policy Framework (SPF) B. Domain Keys
Email deliverability is the measure of how successfully your emails reach the inbox of your recipients without bouncing or being marked as spam. Email deliverability depends on several factors, such as your sender reputation, your email content, and your email authentication. Two of the most important email authentication methods are Sender Policy Framework (SPF) and DomainKeys Identified Mail (DKIM). SPF is a protocol that allows you to specify which IP addresses are authorized to send emails from your domain. DKIM is a protocol that allows you to digitally sign your emails with a private key and verify them with a public key published in your domain’s DNS records. Both SPF and DKIM help prevent email spoofing and phishing, and improve your sender reputation and deliverability
Question # 6
A user needs to be able to import and export lists. What user role do you give them? | A. Marketing | B. Sales Manager | C. Sales | D. None of the above |
A. Marketing
A user needs to be able to import and export lists. The user role that you should give them is Marketing. The Marketing user role has the permission to import and export prospects, as well as create and edit marketing assets, such as forms, landing pages, emails and campaigns. The other user roles, such as Sales Manager, Sales and None of the above, do not have the permission to import and export prospects.
Question # 7
Which three options are available when working on a list email, but are NOT available when working on a Marketing Cloud Account Engagement email template?
Choose 3 answers | A. Ability to send the email immediately | B. Sender options | C. Ability to schedule the email | D. Custom reply-to address | E. Recipient and suppression lists |
A. Ability to send the email immediately C. Ability to schedule the email E. Recipient and suppression lists
When working on a list email, the Marketing Manager has three options that are not available when working on an Account Engagement email template. They are:
Ability to send the email immediately. This option allows the Marketing Manager to send the list email to the selected recipients as soon as the email is ready, without scheduling it for a later date or time. This option is useful for urgent or time-sensitive messages6
Ability to schedule the email. This option allows the Marketing Manager to choose a specific date and time to send the list email to the selected recipients. This option is useful for planning ahead or aligning with the best time to reach the audience6
Recipient and suppression lists. This option allows the Marketing Manager to select which lists of prospects will receive the list email, and which lists of prospects will be excluded from receiving the list email. This option is useful for targeting and segmenting the audience based on their attributes or behaviors6
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